International naturbeskyttelse2022-03-13T20:35:28+01:00

Megafauna restoration as a legal obligation: International biodiversity law and the rehabilitation of large mammals in Europe

Megafauna restaurering som en juridisk forpligtelse: International lov om biodiversitet og rehabilitering af store pattedyr i Europa Artiklen undersøger sammenhængen mellem de juridiske, naturbeskyttelsesforpligtelser der gælder og restaurering af [...]

By |May 14, 2022|Categories: Debat om store planteædere, International naturbeskyttelse, Lovgivning|Tags: |Comments Off on Megafauna restoration as a legal obligation: International biodiversity law and the rehabilitation of large mammals in Europe

State of nature in the EU (2020)

State of nature in the EU Results from reporting under the nature directives 2013-2018 EØS-rapport nr. 10/2020 Denne rapport, der beskriver naturtilstanden i EU, er baseret på rapporter fra [...]

By |March 20, 2022|Categories: Biodiversitet, Forvaltning af biodiversitet, International naturbeskyttelse|Tags: , |Comments Off on State of nature in the EU (2020)
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